Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Neighbor

So i wrote in my previous blog "The Time" about waking up early, and i quote, " wouldn't have made that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, or would it. What if me being awake right now made a difference in the outcome for my day, and someone else's day? What if a simple change in my routine set in motion a series of events that would change my life or someone else's"

When i wrote that it was just an idea, an idea that was just a fleeting thought one morning when i was up early. To be perfectly honest i thought it was something that you would have to look for. I even thought that one day in the future it would maybe happen to someone i knew. I just didn't think it would be me.

So i say.

It is amazing how one thing, like the time you wake up. Can set forth a series of events that may change your life or someone else's

For me, Yesterday was that day.

If my fiance Carli wasn't having stomach problems, she wouldn't have called me at 7:20 am. If she didn't wake me up, i wouldn't of asked if she needed me to come see her. If she wouldn't have said yes, I wouldn't have gone out to warm up my car.

If i didn't go out to start my car at 8:45 am, i wouldn't have realized it was dead till 3:30 when i would have gone out to start my car for work.

Right now you may be thinking, Wow Alan that did set forth events that changed your day. If you didn't find out your car wasn't starting you would have been late for work, or even maybe had to call off.

Well that would be really lame if that was the only thing that was changed about my day, but sometimes things just don't work out that easy. Sometimes for the better.

Since i found out it wasn't starting, I had to ask my neighbor Joe for a jump start. If the jump would have held the first time this story would have been over, or maybe never started.

Well, i had to ask him for a jump again and if i didn't ask him again for a jump (I actually almost asked my other neighbor up the street, because i didn't want to bother Joe)

So, if i wouldn't have asked him again he wouldn't have helped me out by letting me use

1. His battery Charger
2. Gas from a gas can (since the SUV was on empty)
3. His truck to go get more gas.

If all that didn't happen, he wouldn't have given me $200 in cash for me to get a new battery. I wouldn't have found out about his heart condition and about two of his friends passing away recently.

The chances we have to witness to people sometimes come and go in a blink of an eye. I was caught off guard by him telling me about his heart condition, and i missed my chance to ask him if he knew Jesus, or anything that i should have said.

This man helped me all day, and got nothing in return but a thank you. This is the way i want to help others around me. I hope i get opportunities to help someone like Joe helped me. I also hope i get to talk to him again. Soon.

Oh, and all this wouldn't have happened if Carli didn't call me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The 22.75

On Friday i went to a bagel place in Oakmont, I won't name names. Well i ordered a bagel and some soup, and i also ordered a bagel for carli. They made them for us and brought it down to register for us. They rang it up and they gave me the total.

When they told me how much it was going to be, i was a little surprised. It was a lot of money for such a little amount of food. It was absolutely outrageous that for 2 bagels, chips, and some soup it cost me just as much as i have paid for a dinner in a decent restaurant. Was the food i was paying for worth the money that i was charged?

When you need something bad enough, what would you be willing to pay for it? Are you willing to pay any amount for something you may need or want?

Be careful when deciding how much something is worth to you, don't buy in to something that cost a lot because you think it will be worth it.

After all, i paid 22.75 for a 2 bagels and some chips, not to forget the soup, and was that worth it? Not when i was hungry again 2 hours later.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Meek

There are times in my life when I'm forced into tears. The times in movies when the music gets soft, and the camera zooms in on the leading character for an emotional finish. In a movie i saw recently the lead character dies at the end, and the music was sad and it was like you were seeing a real life come to and end.

If you got lost in all that commotion. I will sort it out.

When i say that word manufactured. One thing comes to mind. Made. Like in the movies where the characters are made up, and live such incredible lives. Life changing lives. When it comes to an end right in front of you it really makes you think about life and what you're doing with it.

To realize those thoughts come out of something that is made up and filmed is something that i have a hard time wrapping my mind around. On the other hand there are times when real events in our lives move us to tears. Those are the moments that deserve a expression of emotion and caring. Some of the littlest things will move me in such a way, that i can't help but cry.

Its not even a bad thing, I don't even cry when I'm sad. Its when I'm moved by hope in something so little, quite and over looked. There is hope in a generation of children that moves me in such a way that i can't help but want to do anything i can to harness that moment.

Have i moved past the age of hope for change? Have i lost that drive that tells me i can do anything and be anyone?

I want to put down my pride that tells me i don't need help, or the competitive attitude that tells me that i have to set goals just to accomplish more then the other guy. I want to put that down, that desire for wealth and recognition. It is only holding me back. I want to be humble for the chance that i can get back that hope which moves me into action. I want to inspire people to open their hearts for change in their own life.

I feel that change is like a pebble being dropped into a pond. From something so little, it will cause ripples, and as it spreads that ripples get wider and larger. Affecting the entire pond.

I want to be humble enough to be that pebble, to realize that change comes from small, and consistent action.

I challenge myself to be meek, to be a constant light, inspiring the hearts of men and women.

Will you do the same?

Be Meek, Be a Pebble, Cause a Ripple.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Duffle Bag

I'm all packed and ready, heading up north this weekend.

Have everything i need, toothbrush, towel, and plenty of clothes. Even a pillow, boots and plenty of clothes. All shoved into my duffle bag. Yeah its a decent size one that i received a couple years ago, but its at maximum capacity. I don't think i could fit another thing into it, and successfully zip up again.

I mean this thing is crammed with all the things i need for this weekend. Or is that not true? Is there something i could leave behind. Maybe my extra pair of jeans, maybe 4 t-shirts that i don't really need and probably won't wear. I for sure need my pillow though.

Which leads me to think, what am i carrying with me in my life that i can leave behind? Instead of keeping it crammed in and zippered up tight, to the point of bursting at the seems.

What am i carrying with me that is only weighing me down? What is not improving me as a person that i carry with me. Bitterness? Pride? just to name two.

I don't want my life to be cluttered with things that i don't need. So i challenge you, lighten the load. You only need your pillow.

and maybe your boots.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Annoyed

Well i tried to open a twitter account today

A site that lets you keep you friends updated with short messages of what you are doing. Its basically a facebook status without all the other stuff, like... anything. No detailed profile, No friends list, No wall... Nothing. Just a site to keep your friends up to date with your every move, even the slightest ones.

Did i really join this? Yeah, i did, and i have made better decisions, but i wanted to try it out!

Well i joined and got my updates going, but the tricky part is that i had to use a PC to do it.


Because for some reason the internet on my Mac (Safari is the browser) will shut down randomly on certain sites, and guess what one of the sites are... you guessed it.... Twitter.

Well i found my way around this problem, but won't keep it if i have to continue to use a PC to update. I am not going to another computer that isn't mine just to update. I don't need that hassle.

Did i really join Twitter? ugh. What am i doing.

Do my friends really need to know what i am doing every five minutes. Don't answer that!

Well the countdown is on, how many days will it take until i get rid of Twitter.

I think i've made a huge mistake.

The Time

It might be ok for some people to do, but waking up early was never a strong point for me. Yeah i know what your thinking, What is early? Well I'm thinking, Hold on, just wait. I will tell you when the time is right. When i am good and ready.

Now, i don't like sleeping to late, lets say 10 am, but at the same time i think there is a time where i don't want to be awake.

I woke up this morning way to early, probably like 2 hours before i wanted to, thats ok though, i got up and am now writing this. See the thing is I don't care once i am up, but there is a moment when i just wish i could have fallen right back to sleep. If i had, i wouldn't be in this mess.

Ok i think now is the right time to tell you when i woke up this morning. It was 7 am and i mean its not that bad, but i still would have liked to sleep till say, 9:30, that would have been really great! I would have been able to get too more hours of sleep and it wouldn't have made that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, or would it. What if me being awake right now made a different outcome for my day, and someone else's day.? What if this simple change in my routine set in motion a series of events that would change my life or someone else's.

Ok, I'm not saying that waking up early is going to change the world, but stay with me.

Now i don't have my ideas all sorted out yet, but i am getting there. I think if we changed one thing about our day, everyday, we could make small impacts on a large scale. If we really just start showing what we have in us, and stop worrying what is on our own agenda. If we just put others first in our lives i think that would start making a difference.

There are so many times that i put myself or my interest before someone else's. I need to start reaching out to the people around me on a more consistent basis. I'm not only talking about the people that i know and care about, and i don't want it to sound like i will start helping the people that i don't care about. I should be reaching out to the people that don't know me. The people i don't have a relationship with. That is the real act of kindness.

I find it very easy to help people that i know and have a relationship with. I want to help out my friends and family. But when someone i don't know asks for help. What will i do then?

All i am saying is if we take the time to really care about the world around us. Mainly the people. Things will change, one person at a time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The View

Well, it is upon us. A new blog in the land of many, many blogs. Both interesting and the not quite bearable. I will tell you right now that this will be either or both at times.

I don't mean to put myself down for the sake of sympathy but i don't want to come across as self important. Yeah, thats the last thing that I want to come across as. In a blog about myself. Well about things around me mainly, and the things that go through my head.

Today when i woke up blogging was the last thing on my mind actually getting my hands on some toothpaste was the closet to my mind. (is that how you would describe that) Yeah i hate waking up and having "morning mouth" where it feels like someone poured a mix of sand and salt. Which at the ocean is ok (plus a little sun and water of course) but is not pleasant to wake up with.

So here i am, blogger at 11:00 on a Tuesday night. How did i get here, and where am i going?

So when i woke up, i was thinking mainly about trying to get my video podcast launched, and how to even get my videos from my camera to my computer. This stumped me for a couple hours and i didn't think i was going to be able to get the videos at all. UNTIL! a very wise man told me what i was doing wrong, this man is very wise. Thank you!

Well this is over for now.