Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Nap Taker

Shout out to Melissa for posting a blog that helped my think of something to write about, and Shout out to Matt for giving her the title that helped her to post a blog.

Well ladies and gentleman, I'm back. Didn't mean to leave you but i had nothing to say. That's usual like me, i may come across as the kinda guy that always has a joke or something to say that will make you laugh. Well thats just not true, i enjoy being quite and i love listening.

Well lets get to the point of the blog entry today (tonight) shall we.

I am a napper, a nap taker, a day sleeper if you will. I enjoy naps and i try to take them whenever i can. Its not that i don't get enough sleep at night. Its more of a recharging experience. I don't force naps ever, but i let them come to me. I embrace when they do and i try not to fight it. Some people don't understand how i need a nap almost everyday. Again its not like i am tired. i just need like 30 minutes to rest my brain. I think that is perfectly normal.

Maybe its just like a hobby of mine. I enjoy napping and i am good at it. So why not enjoy the peace of a mid day nap. I love nothing more then being able to lay on the couch and let the television dim in the background as i fall asleep, or being able to crawl back into bed and sleep for a while

Like with most things there are the downsides of a nap, and i am able to admit that there are sometimes where i get angry with a nap. LIke when i lay down, and i am resting and i fall asleep almost without knowing it. Well all of a sudden i get awaken by my phone ringing, or someone calling for me from downstairs and it startles me. Which is never a good thing when you are taking a nap. I have come to the conclusion that getting started out of nap will drastically effect the rest of your day. The side effect of getting woken prematurely is usually a headache for an hour, and slight to moderate crankiness. Just saying. It happens to the best of us.

The other aspect that i do not enjoy is the over extended nap. Sometimes i will lay down a couple of hours before i have to go somewhere, lets say, to work. Well i lay down and set my alarm to go off a half hour before i need to be there. Wouldn't you know it, a half hour comes and i say to myself, what's 15 more minutes. Well my friends, 15 more minutes doesn't just mean a little bit longer of a nap, It usually means that you sleep right up until the time you should be arriving at work. Yeah, not good. Well this will often cause a state of panic, and dizziness. As you spring from your bed, confused and disoriented. Running around trying to get dressed and ready to leave. Oh this is a devastating situation, it's like going from 0 to 60 in a car while you are sleeping behind the wheel. PANIC.

There are pros and cons in the nap taking lifestyle. Sometimes you win, sometimes you panic into a stupor and have a anxiety attack.


  1. you always know how to make me laugh. and btw i so know that when you say "some people don't understand i need a nap almost every day" i know "some people" really means CARLI. lol

  2. you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE...
    sorry for yellin'
